
We want to guide our partners in their Ecological Transition.

We seek to create partnerships with which to work for a cleaner, quality future for people.

Partnerships that help:


Disseminate and promote the power of innovation and technology to improve people’s quality of life.

Raise awareness and encourage people, organisations and companies to be more sustainable in their practices.

Improve business operations so they are more successful sounder and more committes to people.

At [i]soren, we look for people, companies and industries that:

Are innovative, with which to develop solutions that improve people’s quality of life.

Promote sustainability.

Are open to change to improve people’s quality of life in an innovative, cost-effective and environmentally-responsible way.

Companies, people and industries that want to…

Be part of a positive impact for society and the environment.

Generate a change in the business paradigm towards a future of sustainable companies.

Promote innovation and technology designed to improve people’s quality of life.

Contribute to the creation of bio-healthy spaces for people and the planet.

Promote solutions to improve the quality of the air and water, and desinfection of spaces.

Dissemination and visibility, highlighting their contribution to achieving a common social and environmental purpose.

Sharing the expertise acquired over 25 years of experience through training, both for their companies and their clients.

Collaboration on initiatives to drive and promote innovation applied to well-being, sustainability and the profitability of the companies of the future.

The guarantee offered by the application of solutions with tangible results for society, the environment and business profitability.

What do we offer our partners?

If you interested in improving people’s quality of life, get in touch and become a partner.

Get in touch and we’ll show you which is best for your needs and spaces.

+34 91.693.39.60

Av. de los Metales, 19, 28914 Leganés, Madrid

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