The ECO-TECHNOLOGY Certificate
What does the ECO-TECHNOLOGY seal accredit?
This international certification endorsed by the Textile Research Institute (AITEX) accredits that our laundering system for the hotel and health sector complies with an environmentally-sustainable and eco-technology process, without losing quality in the production process.
Ecological Technology
Environmentally-sustainable process
More efficient production process
What did the verification testing of our system involve?
The verification tests consisted of the installation, in a 500-litre volume industrial washing machine, of a physicochemical conditioning unit to check the washing and disinfection processes by using water previously treated by photocatalysis. In this way, it analysed the results obtained, their impact in terms of energy costs and process time, as well as their advantages over a traditional laundering process.
- Verification of the laundering processes:
The verification of the catalysis equipment has been carried out by conducting three different washing tests. A first wash with the traditional method (P0), followed by a second (P1) and third wash (P2) using water treated using a physicochemical-photocatalysis process and varying the process time and chemicals used.
Traditional method
Temperature: 45º
Time: 36 min
Water: 505 litres
Energy: 5,778 KW
Test 1
Temperature: 30º
Time: 19 min
Water: 220 litres
Energy: 1,905 KW
Test 2
Temperature: 30º
Time: 16 min
Water: 220 litres
Energy: 1,755 KW
For all the washes carried out, a fabric stained with four types of stains has been added to the load: coffee, artificial blood, ketchup and oil. In all the cases studied, it has been possible to verify the correct elimination of the four stains. Subsequently, the water consumption, energy consumption and process time of the formulations considered have been compared, thus obtaining the percentage savings compared to the traditional treatment.
- Verification of the disinfection processes:
For the disinfection tests, three different types of formulation have been tested using water treated by photocatalysis in all cases.
In the different tests, a fabric previously inoculated with bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Aspergillus niger) with an initial concentration of 100,000 cfu/dm2 was added to the washing machine load.
After the treatment, the disinfection obtained has been verified through the UNE-EN ISO 11737-1:2018 standard, determination of the population of microorganisms in products.
Test without product
Water: 83 litres
Temperature: Environment Time: 9 min
Product: None
Test 1
Water: 83 litres
Temperature: Environment Time: 9 min
Product: 0.06% GMG Green Lof
Test 2
Water: 83 litres
Temperature: Environment Time: 9 min
Product: 0.6% GMG Green Lof
For all the washes carried out, a fabric stained with four types of stains has been added to the load: coffee, artificial blood, ketchup and oil. In all the cases studied, it has been possible to verify the correct elimination of the four stains. Subsequently, the water consumption, energy consumption and process time of the formulations considered have been compared, thus obtaining the percentage savings compared to the traditional treatment.
What are the laundering and disinfection advantages compared to traditional laundering?
In the washing tests, we can conclude that, through the physicochemical pre-treatment of the water by photocatalysis and the use of formulas P1 and P2 previously detailed, we obtain:
Savings of 56.44% water
Savings of up to 69.62% in energy consumption
Savings of up to 55.56% in process time
In the disinfection tests, we can conclude that the photocatalysis water treatment technology in itself does not obtain any type of disinfection. However, when adding a standard concentration of biocidal product to the same treatment, we obtain:
With 0.06% of the GMG Green Lof product, a slight decrease in the microbial load is obtained, but without achieving values that justify correct disinfection.
When adding a greater amount of biocidal product (0.6%), it is clear that the desired disinfection is achieved.
Tests showed that our GMG efficient laundering system:
- Achieves better final cleaning results than a traditional process, saving on water consumption, energy consumption and process time.
- Obtains satisfactory disinfection results when combining photocatalysis water treatment technology with tested formulations of the Green Lof biocidal chemical.
For these reasons, AITEX has granted us the ECO-TECHNOLOGY certificate.
Would you like to find out more about the cost-effectiveness and sustainability results of the [i]laundry efficient laundering system? Find out here.
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